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Medicare Advantage Enrollment Growth: What Does it Mean for Healthcare at Home?

With more than 50% of eligible Medicare beneficiaries now enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans, the future of home health reimbursement lies in negotiating fair rates with Medicare Advantage payers.

BerryDunn’s home health and hospice experts are here to help you succeed in the Medicare Advantage environment. Watch our video for more insight on the expected growth of Medicare Advantage enrollment. 

Explore our Medicare Advantage readiness program: 

  • Medicare Advantage financial consulting and cost reporting
    Find the right balance to sustain strong financial performance. The future of home health reimbursement will be centered on negotiating fair rates with Medicare Advantage payers, and that starts with understanding your current performance. Our team works with agencies to understand their true cost of care and navigate the Medicare Advantage landscape. 
  • Patient and family satisfaction improvement
    Improve Star Ratings with research. Agencies struggle to improve their Patient and Family Satisfaction Star Rating, a key Medicare Advantage metric. With Care Compare stagnated for over a year, many providers wonder if there is any chance to make improvements. Our targeted Patient and Family Satisfaction Quality Improvement Project leverages decades of research to provide agencies with best practices to improve scores.   
  • Hospitalization reduction program
    Reduce both re-hospitalization and emergency department use with established best practices. The value agencies offer to Medicare Advantage partnerships is in reducing the total cost of care for Medicare Advantage payers. This includes keeping patients at home and out of the hospital. Organizations with 60-day hospitalization rates over 12% risk being rejected as Medicare Advantage partners.   
  • Revenue cycle efficiency consulting and analysis
    Partner with Medicare Advantage payers to receive timely payment. Providing quality patient care is the priority. Agencies can easily trip at the finish line and have reimbursement for their care denied. Revenue cycle goes beyond your ability to process bills and collect payments. It needs to be an agency-wide approach. 

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BerryDunn experts and consultants

  • Lindsay Doak
    Director of Healthcare Research and Education
    Home Health
    T 207.352.7514