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MESC 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024 – Thursday, August 15, 2024
Kentucky International Convention Center
Booth #425

Empowering the success of Medicaid agencies

BerryDunn’s experienced Medicaid team is excited to be participating in MESC once again in 2024! We are proud to be a success partner for Medicaid agencies, building healthier communities and stronger futures.

Our team will be on hand to answer any questions about our expertise and how we can help you reach your goals.

You can find us at: 

We look forward to seeing you in Louisville! 

Join us for a demo: Connected HHS data for improved decision-making 
Transform Health and Human Services (tHHS) provides the Medicaid and HHS community with a suite of user-friendly integrated solutions for managing all Medicaid capability investments through all phases of the Medicaid Enterprise Systems life cycles.

Room: L001 | Schedule a time 

MESC sessions presented by the BerryDunn team and clients 
Join us for these informative sessions at MESC:  

  • Monday, August 12, 10:00 am 
    Leading Through Change 

    Speakers: John Connaughton, Facilitator; Nicole Becnel; Shea Berry-Brennan 

    After attending the workshop, participants will have the knowledge and tools they need to examine and plan for driving toward change adoption in a new way. The tools and information provided will enable leaders to apply a strategic approach when building their plans to lead change. 

    Location: L004
  • Tuesday, August 13, 11:00 am 
    Organization Excellence: A Key Ingredient for a Successful Effort to Modernize the Medicaid Enterprise 

    Moderator: Peter Alfrey, Principal, BerryDunn; Speakers: John Connaughton, Manager, Organizational Development, BerryDunn; Cindy Beane, Commissioner, West Virginia Bureau for Medical Services; Robert Schlueter, Program Director, Medicaid IT Modernization, Division of Medicaid for Iowa Department of Health and Human Services; Eugene Gabriyelov, Deputy Director at CMS US Department of Health and Human Services 

    The session will kick off by defining and demystifying OD with consideration for the value it provides to MMIS Modernization projects. We will then hear from panelists who have implemented different OD practices into their Medicaid Modernization projects. We will examine what has supported successful project results and any missed opportunities that could have led to stronger results. We will also discuss future opportunities to embed OD practices into their projects. The focus on the future includes how a comprehensive learning strategy that include online learning supports successful modernization efforts. 

    Location: M108/M111 
  • Wednesday, August 14, 8:00 am 
    Equity-focused Strategic Planning: How Two States Balanced Priorities 

    Moderator: Nick Havens, Director, Bureau of Systems Management, Wisconsin; Speakers: Nolan Cyr, Senior Consultant, BerryDunn; Ben Uhrich, Senior Consultant, BerryDunn; Sanjeev Sridharan, Professor of Health Policy Evaluation at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa; Tatiana Dierwechter, Substance Use Primary Prevention Systems Manager, Oregon Health Authority 

    This panel will discuss their experience using an equity-focused strategic planning approach with Oregon and Hawaii to illustrate how SMAs can enhance focus on equity and alignment with Medicaid's overarching goals of equitable service delivery.
    Location: Ballroom A 
  • Wednesday, August 14, 1:00 pm 
    Electronic APD Submission: A State-driven Approach to Modernizing Federal Funding and Approval Requests 

    Moderator: Courtney Walters, EY; Speakers: Jessica Groeling, Vermont; Kevin Chartrand, Senior Manager, BerryDunn 

    The State of Vermont, supported by their CMS State Officer and TransformHHS by BerryDunn, has successfully demonstrated their ability to submit Advance Planning Documents (APDs) electronically through a structured data format. This session will explore the progress made so far, what additional support is needed, and the project's planned future. We will demonstrate the key phases of an end-to-end use case for APD creation, submission, review, and approval. We will also look to the audience for feedback, questions, and ideas to continue to move this project along.  

    Location: Ballroom E 
  • Wednesday, August 14, 4:15 pm 
    Keeping Americans Covered: Eliminating Healthcare Coverage Gaps and Promoting Continuous Eligibility in Oregon and Kentucky

    Moderator: Shea Berry-Brennan, Principal, BerryDunn; Speakers: Nathan Singer, ODHS; Megan Auclair, OHA; Jennifer L. Harp, Kentucky; Chakradhar Sreeramagiri, Deloitte; Leonard Villagomez, Deloitte 

    Millions of Americans rely on Medicaid to provide critical health to keep their families safe and strong. In this joint session, Oregon and Kentucky share specific strategies and innovative ideas that are positively shaping Medicaid in their states and helping people get and keep health coverage.

    Location: M104/M107
  • Thursday, August 15, 9:15 am 
    MQD's Approach to Translating Complex System Changes and Releases for End Users Through Collaboration, Communication, and Training 

    Moderator: Kaela Stehly, Senior Consultant, BerryDunn; Speakers: Jordan Hall, Senior Consultant, BerryDunn; Shannon Brady, Manager, BerryDunn

    This presentation will describe MQD’s work with vendor partners to involve stakeholders at every stage while fostering a shared understanding and appreciation for the intricacies of Medicaid Systems. We will explain the information flow pipeline from initial idea to JAD sessions, communications, and training development, review with end users, and rollout. This presentation showcases how Med-QUEST and its partners have successfully navigated the multifaceted challenges of Medicaid Systems changes, ultimately creating a model for collaborative, effective, and user-focused translation of changes.  

    Location: M108/M111 

A trifecta of live music, games, and fun! 

BerryDunn invites you to a Night Out in the ‘Ville

When: Wednesday, August 14, 6 - 8 pm

Where: Tavern on Fourth
427 B South 4th Street, 2nd floor, Louisville

Join us for an evening out in “the ‘Ville” with your fellow MESC attendees at Tavern on Fourth. From bocce ball and classic arcade games to live music from the Louis Pettinelli Trio, this is your winning ticket to a memorable night in Derby City.

RSVP now.

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