Welcome to BerryDunn’s podcast series for social workers and child welfare practitioners.
In this episode, host Andrea Richardson explores Organizational Effectiveness (OE) and Organizational Development (OD) with Jennifer Kerr, Director of Organizational Effectiveness at American Public Human Services Association, and Megan Clough, Senior Consultant at BerryDunn. They discuss how teams can use OE/OD to better work with each other and with the children, youth, and families they support.
Social service practices, agency leaders, supervisors, and front-line workers are faced with numerous challenges: a changing workforce, significantly more complex casework, funding streams that require layers of requirements and data, public pressure for more transparency and accountability.
What continues to be impressive is the number of social workers who continue to enter or remain in this field of work because they want better outcomes for children, youth, and families.
This will be the first of many conversations that will help listeners not only think about their individual practices, but also how organizational change can have a broader impact on communities and workplaces. Join us for this rich discussion on Organizational Development.
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