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Generative AI in parks and recreation


Read this if your parks and recreation agency is thinking about AI integration opportunities.

For decades, park and recreation agencies have been challenged to “do more with less.” Is that tall order becoming easier? Imagine a world where managing parks and recreation becomes not just easier, but also more innovative and efficient. Some would argue this vision is becoming reality, thanks to advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Long perceived as a domain reserved for tech giants and futuristic films, AI is now an accessible, transformative tool that has become part of everyday life for many people. It’s more than a buzzword; AI is a technology capable of analyzing vast data, automating routine tasks, and unlocking insights.

Recent developments in Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have brought the power of AI to the forefront, dominating news and becoming a practical tool for the masses. With these advancements in text- and image-based AI, the way we manage parks, market programs, and engage with the public will be going through a transformative shift. While early, this change isn’t speculative; it’s already impacting our field. These tools simplify creating compelling narratives for grant proposals, designing eye-catching promotional materials, and more, transforming tasks that once required extensive manual effort.

This article will shed light on how AI can enhance your parks and recreation services, making them more efficient, engaging, and sustainable.

Opportunities and benefits of generative AI: Content creation

When it comes to writing content for websites, newsletters, or press releases, AI writing assistants are transforming the process. These tools can generate anything from social media posts to detailed reports, suggest improvements, and even tailor the language to different audience segments. Similarly, routine communications, such as newsletters or event descriptions, can be generated quickly and efficiently, allowing staff to focus on more creative and strategic tasks. In addition to speeding up content creation, these tools ensure messages are clear, engaging, and aligned with your brand voice.

Tools like Grammarly have been around for years and can be used as a stand-alone application, browser plug-in, or word processor add-on to provide grammatical corrections and feedback on style and tone. Over the past year, generative AI tools from OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and others provide significantly more functionality—instantly generating draft documents based on user prompts, or completely rewriting existing content for new audiences. These tools have become so mainstream that they are being incorporated into products you use every day, such as Copilot for Microsoft Office and AI integration becoming standard in the latest smartphones.

Park and recreation professionals are using these tools to increase creativity and efficiency for everything from program descriptions and social media posts to drafting contracts and grant applications.

Research and information synthesis
Generative AI is transforming the way people gather and synthesize information. Imagine leveraging AI to quickly compile historical information, best practices, and case studies relevant to park management and recreational program development. While inaccuracies and hallucinations remain a concern at this time, AI tools can scour a wide range of sources, from academic journals to industry reports, extracting pertinent information and presenting it in a concise, easily digestible format. In addition to scanning pdfs and websites, generative AI tools can also quickly synthesize information from lengthy videos by scanning their transcripts. is one example of applications that listen to virtual and in-person meetings and provide transcripts and meeting summaries to share with participants.

Brainstorming and creativity
Park and recreation professionals can use AI as a collaborative partner and idea generator. These tools can generate a plethora of topics, from innovative park programs to unique visitor engagement strategies. Imagine an AI that suggests new event themes based on trending topics or environmental concerns or offers creative solutions for park maintenance and conservation challenges. This technology doesn’t replace human creativity but rather enhances it, providing a springboard for brainstorming sessions and helping teams think outside the box. It’s a partnership where AI provides the seeds of ideas, and human ingenuity cultivates them into fully realized projects.

Enhancing marketing with AI-driven graphic design
Imagine creating stunning, custom visuals for marketing campaigns, brochures, and social media posts in a fraction of the time it used to take. Image-based generative AI tools enable the creation of visual content, from posters and brochures to digital advertisements, tailored to specific themes, events, or seasons in our parks. With AI, creating visually appealing designs is not only faster but also more accessible to teams without professional graphic designers. This means that even small-scale events or announcements can have high-quality, engaging visuals, significantly enhancing the overall appeal and reach of marketing efforts. Image-generation tools such as MidJourney & Dall-E have exponentially increased in quality and sophistication over the last few years. ChatGPT now supports image generation by Dall-E, and popular design tools such as Canva and Adobe Photoshop offer several AI tools within their software.

Streamlining communication and design processes
The integration of AI tools promises to streamline communication and design processes significantly. The marketplace is flooded with new tools tailored to specific tasks, like for creating presentations, or to serving a variety of organization-wide functions within one platform, such as Used well, these tools reduce the time and resources needed to produce high-quality content, allowing park and recreation departments to respond quickly to emerging trends and visitor feedback. This agility ensures that parks remain relevant and engaging to their visitors, adapting swiftly to changing needs and preferences.

Practical steps to implement AI in your parks and recreation organization

The first step in embracing generative AI within your parks and recreation organization is to identify where these technologies can have the greatest impact. Is it in creating more engaging marketing materials, enhancing visitor communication, or streamlining administrative tasks?

Selecting the right AI tools
Look for tools that are user-friendly, cost-effective, and provide reliable support. Ensure these tools are compatible with your existing systems and can effectively handle your specific needs. For instance, some AI platforms excel in text generation for marketing or administrative purposes, while others are more adept at creating dynamic visual content.

Engaging leadership for support and guidance
Involve leadership, information technology, and legal professionals in your organization regarding the AI tools and uses you plan to pursue, as there is security, legal, and ethical concerns with many of these tools and how they may be used (see the next section for more on challenges and concerns).

Planning for implementation
A phased implementation approach is recommended. Start with pilot projects in areas where AI can show quick wins. This could be as simple as using an AI tool to design a new flyer or draft social media posts. These initial projects will offer valuable insights and help fine-tune your approach before a broader roll-out.

Training and empowering staff
Provide your team with the resources and training they need to effectively use these new tools. Encourage a culture where staff feel comfortable experimenting with AI and suggesting innovative applications.

Data management and privacy
Handling data responsibly is a key aspect of implementing AI. Ensure that your use of AI tools complies with privacy laws and ethical standards, especially when processing visitor information. Establish clear guidelines on data usage and privacy to maintain trust and integrity in your operations.

Evaluating and adjusting your AI strategy
Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your AI implementations. Are they meeting your objectives? Solicit feedback from staff and visitors to understand the impact of these tools. Be open to adjusting based on this feedback and evolving needs, ensuring your AI strategy remains effective and relevant.

Scaling AI implementation
Once you’ve seen success with initial AI projects, consider how you can expand these tools to other areas of your organization. Gradual scaling allows for a more controlled integration, minimizing disruptions while maximizing the benefits. 

Staying informed on AI developments
The field of AI is rapidly evolving. Stay informed about new tools, techniques, and best practices. This continuous learning will help keep your organization at the forefront of AI applications in parks and recreation, ensuring ongoing efficiency and innovation.

Generative AI challenges and considerations

Understanding and managing limitations
While generative AI offers remarkable capabilities, it’s not without limitations. There’s potential for inaccuracies or contextually misaligned content. Crucial to successful implementation is human oversight, ensuring AI-generated content aligns with your specific needs and values.

Navigating data privacy and security
A paramount concern in using AI is data privacy, especially when handling visitor information. Adhering to privacy laws and ensuring data security is essential. It’s important to establish stringent protocols and consider AI tools that prioritize data protection.

Balancing human creativity and AI efficiency
AI should be viewed as a complement to, not a replacement for, human creativity and intuition. The challenge lies in leveraging AI to enhance efficiency while preserving the unique creative input that only humans can provide.

Dealing with technical challenges and integration
Integrating AI with existing systems can present technical challenges, requiring data input and maintenance. To mitigate these issues, collaborating with IT experts to select AI tools with robust support is advisable.

Cost and budget considerations
Implementing many AI tools involves initial investment and ongoing costs. You can get started with tools like ChatGPT and many others for no cost, but more robust features require monthly fees.

Keeping up with rapid technological changes
The rapid evolution of AI technology necessitates continuous learning and adaptation. Staying informed through industry resources and professional networks is crucial for keeping your AI applications current and effective.

Ethical considerations in AI usage
Lastly, the responsible use of AI demands consideration of ethical implications. It’s important to ensure that AI tools are used in a manner that is ethical and align with your organization’s values. This includes understanding how various models are trained, and potential legal or ethical considerations based on your use of those models.

Beyond data sources, one of the main ethical concerns is algorithmic bias, where AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate or amplify existing human biases. For instance, if an AI tool is trained on historical data that reflects past inequities in park access or resource allocation, it might suggest strategies that continue these patterns. It’s vital to critically assess and regularly update AI models to ensure they reflect equitable and inclusive practices.

Another ethical concern is the potential for AI to replace human judgment in sensitive areas. While AI can assist in decision-making, it’s essential to maintain human oversight, especially in matters affecting community well-being or environmental stewardship. Relying solely on AI can lead to decisions that lack empathy or fail to consider the nuances of human experience and the natural world. Ensuring a balanced approach where AI supplements human insight is key to ethical and effective use of these technologies in parks and recreation.


Integrating AI tools into park and recreation practices holds the potential to streamline operations and infuse a new energy into our content and how we interact with visitors. Yet, as we navigate this promising landscape, we must also be prudent. It’s important to proceed with a blend of optimism and caution, recognizing that each step forward comes with its own challenges and learning opportunities. Adopting these tools necessitates a willingness to explore and adapt, and to critically evaluate and refine our approaches.

The road ahead invites us to not only embrace the efficiencies and enhancements that AI offers but also to guard against the complacency that can come with reliance on technology. It’s a journey that calls for a thoughtful blend of human insight and artificial intelligence, ensuring that the services we offer and the spaces we manage are not only improved but also respectfully and sustainably preserved.

Ryan Hegreness originally authored this article in collaboration with ChatGPT and Grammarly AI tools in January 2024. Ryan updated the article for this publication in August 2024.

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Read this if you are interested in building a thriving workforce.

As businesses across the country continue to struggle to find and keep employees, it is time to build a workplace that sends a clear message to employees: “We care about you as a person. Your well-being matters.” 

Many leaders will send communications that emphasize the importance of people and the value of well-being. Despite this messaging, many organizations are missing opportunities to make well-being a natural part of the employee experience. The resulting disconnect between messaging and reality can result in frustration, disengagement, and cynicism. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common workplace factors that can disrupt an organization’s intentions to build a strong well-being culture. 

Are you missing the mark with employee well-being? 

The chart below illustrates common ways that employers may be missing the mark on providing a supportive environment to employees. As you’ll see, they can be both large things like compensation and benefits, but they can also be small, potentially easy-to-fix things such as providing healthy snacks in the office instead of junk food. Look at this chart holistically for ways you may be able to change some negative influences into positive ones.

Overcoming the challenges to your well-being goals takes time. And while it is natural for organizations to think of employee well-being as the responsibility of human resources and leadership, in reality, well-being is a product of every part of the employee experience. In other words, it’s part of everyone’s job.

Well-being program considerations

Understanding the pain points for employees is an essential element of any successful well-being program, even if those pain points exist outside the domain of traditional well-being and wellness programs. Here are some things to consider:

  • Find out what matters to your employees, as every organization is different. Use surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand priorities and do something substantive with what you learn.
  • Make a plan to address operational challenges. Put simply, outdated technology and inefficient business processes stress employees out.
  • Assess your well-being approach to identify strengths, gaps, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop, document, and implement a well-being plan that aligns with your organizational culture and goals. 
  • In the midst of planning a big system implementation of organizational change? Consider ways to integrate well-being as part of high-stress initiatives. 

How mature is your organization’s well-being program?

Understanding the maturity level of your organization’s well-being program can help you benchmark, assess progress, and gain leadership support by showing a clear path to improvement. This maturity model can help you assess where you are now and how to incrementally improve.

Have questions or need ideas about your specific situation? Contact our well-being consulting team. We’re here to help.

Workplace well-being: Common ways organizations miss the mark

On the first episode of the Let’s Talk Parks with BerryDunn podcast, we spoke with Shane Mize, the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Pflugerville, Texas, and members of the BerryDunn Parks, Recreation, Libraries team about innovative ways to plan, engage, and serve their communities.

For those not familiar with Pflugerville, the city is situated between Austin and Round Rock, Texas. It has been listed as one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. They have a population of roughly 80,000 and their parks and recreation system is made up of over 55 miles of trails, with over 900,000 visits to their park system annually.

On the podcast, Shane talks about the challenges and opportunities of being surrounded by cities that have great parks and recreation departments. Never one to be upstaged, Shane uses innovation in his program, to increase community engagement and ensure the highest level of service to Pflugerville. The end goal: Being the best parks and recreation department in the country.

So let’s take a look at five innovative things the department is doing:

1. Rethinking the master plan

Shane told us that he's not a huge fan of how typical master plans are done. When he realized that he needed one to qualify for grants, he agreed, but on his own terms.

Shane shared his experience in seeking a consulting firm to help with the process, “I just decided that we were going to do things differently and was fortunate to find a firm [in BerryDunn] that … had enough park and rec professionals on it …and was young enough in some of their philosophies.”

He continued, “I think I was in the right place at the right time to push my agenda, which was to have a master plan that looked 100% different than any of the master plans I'd ever seen, and to feel confident and comfortable, not only standing before council, but standing before anybody in my industry.”

BerryDunn’s Jason Genck, the project manager on the master plan project, said, “They expect a high level of service, and they want us to push the envelope quite a bit, and I'm particularly excited about this project because I tend to be attracted to projects that are really creative, certainly innovative, and pushing the envelope.”

When starting the process, Shane told Jason that he wanted the plan to be “the most creative and engaged master planning process the country has ever seen.” Jason and his team completely agreed with this philosophy for Pflugerville and could see applications for other cities and towns.

Jason said, “I think this planning process is disrupting the traditional way of planning because the entire project team is constantly adjusting and re-thinking approaches to maximize the benefits to the Pflugerville community. Yes, we have our standard practices, but, we are having a lot of fun while being inspired to really push innovation in everything we do. While the Pflugerville team and the consultant team are true partners and everyone has such great expertise, we are also learning together how to help create the most vibrant future possible for the community.”

2. Going beyond benchmarking

Shane’s vision for the plan included local feedback as well as feedback from around the country. Jason Genck explained how this is different from what is typically done, “It's not just doing benchmarking, for example. Benchmarking is very common in a planning process, to look at how one organization might be performing against other, similar size, similar scoped organizations—and of course, we do that, and it's always an interesting discussion to reflect on what that is—but in the case of Pflugerville, that wasn't enough.”

“It was, 'Hey, let's take that benchmarking, let's get a think tank together. And you know what? We don't want a think tank of just local leaders. We’d also like you to do a think tank of regional and state leaders. Oh, and by the way, let's actually do a think tank of the best minds of the nation.' And that's just one example of many instances throughout the team's planning processes that are really just taking the traditional services that you might expect to another level.”

3. Constantly evaluating satisfaction

As the team started the master planning process, at the top of the list was getting feedback from the community, which was nothing new to the Pflugerville team. Proactively seeking customer satisfaction is something they do regularly. Another creative example:

Shane shared, “I actually have a staff member that pulls Yelp, Google, and Wedding Wire [reviews] for our wedding event site, and they pull those numbers quarterly and we can see if we've dipped up or down in every single park in the last quarter and any new comments are captured.”

4. Bringing in celebrity voices

This one is for all the fans of the TV show Parks and Recreation. As a way to gain visibility for the master planning process and to get the attention of their constituents, the Pflugerville team had a creative idea. Using the social tool Cameo, they hired actor Jay Jackson, who played character Perd Hapley on the show, for a brief “in character” video message (which you can see on Pflugerville’s Facebook page here). Here’s the message:

Perd: And hello there everyone. Jay Jackson here, aka Perd Hapley. And welcome to, 'You Heard with Perd!' We have some breaking news right now. And that news that is breaking is this: Right now, Pflugerville wants to hear from you as they develop a 10-year parks and recreation master plan. Your participation is very important, so go to to learn more about it. And now that you heard, get involved. I'm Perd Hapley.

The video was widely shared and gained nearly 10,000 views—getting the master planning message out to potentially new audience members.

5. Meeting people where they are – on the road or online

On the podcast, BerryDunn’s Jason Genck described one of his favorite outreach vehicles (literally) that Pflugerville is using to engage citizens all over the city. “Let's pull a 15-foot-wide chalkboard all over the community, which has logged over 120 miles to date, to get into every nook and cranny in the community to make sure everyone knows what's going on with the future parks and recreation and has the opportunity to provide input.” Community members were encouraged to finish the sentence, “Parks matter because…” on the mobile chalkboard as a way to gather feedback on what was important to park users.

The chalkboard is just one way that the team is gathering feedback. Their website has a master planning section, linked to an engagement platform hosted by BerryDunn, where community members can provide ideas and vote for ideas from others. Meeting constituents where they are is helping make this project one of the most engaged planning processes the BerryDunn team has seen.

What’s next? Robots?

Well, maybe! The Pflugerville team has been looking at robots for lining their sports fields, so it can save their staff time and their employees can get back to doing what they do best. Nothing is off the table!

Shane explained that to be successful at innovation, you have to take some risks. He said, “If you're waiting until it's somewhat successful in the public sector, you've missed the mark of innovation. You've missed the mark of doing anything new.”

Listen to the full podcast here:

How Pflugerville and BerryDunn are pushing the envelope on parks and recreation innovation

Read this if you are looking to improve retention at your organization. 

Does your organization have a well-thought-out, up-to-date, and effective onboarding program for new hires? If you don’t, it may be time to start. According to research from Brandon Hall Group, organizations with a strong onboarding process: improve retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. In addition, the report also noted that 93% of employers indicated a positive employee onboarding process was a key driver of retention.   

Why is onboarding a driver of retention? 

Research shows that an employee’s desire to stay with a company—or second guess their decision—starts minute one of their first day of employment. Employees who virtually or literally walk into an environment that has a detailed and supportive onboarding plan begin to feel a sense of belonging and dedication to the organization and are ready to make a difference.  

A successful onboarding strategy prioritizes employee engagement and supports the individual’s learning and development. Generally, an onboarding plan should be in alignment with the strategic planning efforts of the organization—and demonstrate a coordinated effort with a training and development committee to ensure relevance and accountability.  

A tactical approach to provide greater access and enhance training efforts is to create a knowledge management system where documentation, forms, and templates are readily available. In an era of information overload, highlighting and organizing the most relevant resources helps employees make timely and informed decisions. 

Organizations that prioritize the employee experience through onboarding and knowledge management empower and ultimately retain employees.  

Employers focused on retention and effective onboarding should also consider: 

  • Employee journey mapping
    Conduct a detailed review of the employee experience, from recruitment through offboarding, to identify barriers and processes that limit progress or cause challenges. 
  • Training and development assessment
    Determine education needs of current and new employees through formal and informal review, such as surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one conversations. 
  • Strategic planning
    After reviewing current skill sets, compare them with your organization’s strategic plan and vision to identify gaps in knowledge and skills that will prevent you from achieving your goals.
  • Training and development committee
    Bring together a dedicated committee of employees, including an executive sponsor, to identify and deploy training content.  
  • Develop knowledge management system
    Compile and organize your most relevant and helpful resources, training, and templates in a way that is easy to find and access. Track visitation and usage overtime. 

BerryDunn’s team of consultants are happy to assist you with evaluating your process and provide recommendations for improvements to your employee onboarding.

Effective onboarding to improve employee retention 

Read this if you are working on a well-being program at your organization. 

When looking to develop or enhance well-being programs at work, many organizations don’t know where to start. A well-being survey is a smart first step to solidify your organization’s approach to supporting a thriving workforce. An effectively designed well-being survey will not only provide valuable insights to the needs of your workforce, it will also be repeatable so you can measure the success of your well-being efforts over time. Here are five tips to help you create a successful well-being survey.  

  1. Include questions about organizational culture. It is unlikely you will engage every single employee with well-being programs and benefits. Some people just like to do their own thing. However, organizational culture is something that influences everyone and is the ultimate source of empowerment for employee well-being. Including at least a couple of questions that assess how effectively your workplace culture promotes well-being will give you the broadest sense of whether you are on the right track with your well-being efforts. 
  2. Carefully consider wording. There is a big difference between the question “How well does our organization support your well-being?” and “How satisfied are you with our organization’s support for your well-being?” For instance, an organization may invest heavily in mental health, but that support may not be resonating with employees. The second question will provide clear insights into how well the organization’s well-being efforts are connecting with employee needs. 
  3. Have a strategy to promote engagement. Your survey response rate can be influenced by who sends the survey and who sends the survey reminder. While it may be logical for the survey to come from Human Resources, we suggest having the survey come from either the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operations Officer (or equivalent). This signifies that your organization views well-being as a business strategy. Survey reminders tend to be most effective when sent from department managers. This reinforces the messaging about well-being being a business strategy and signifies commitment at all levels of leadership. 
  4. Include space for open comments. Multiple choice and basic ranking questions can help keep a survey direct and are easy to respond to. They also provide data that is easier to analyze and compare year over year. However, it’s not possible to anticipate every need with multiple choice questions, and some of the best suggestions and ideas, as well as some of the most constructive remarks, will come in the form of open commentary. 
  5. Keep it anonymous but collect some demographic data. An anonymous survey will not only result in more candid feedback, but it will also avoid inadvertently collecting personal health information that may be disclosed (particularly in open comments). Having optional questions to self-identify department, office, or work arrangement (hybrid, remote, in person) can help identify high-risk groups ('high risk' meaning those who have a low perception of their well-being and the organizational culture). Making these questions optional reduces the risk that an employee will abandon the survey due to fear of being identified based on demographic responses (e.g., an employee who is the only remote employee in their department). 

A well-designed well-being survey can serve as a launchpad for a transformational well-being initiative, especially if your organization is prepared to report and act on results. For more information on how your organization can create and deliver a well-being survey, or if you have other well-being program questions specific to your organization, please contact our Well-being consulting team. We’re here to help.

Five tips for employee well-being surveys that work

Read this if you use QuickBooks Online.

With gas prices so high, you need to track your travel costs as closely as possible. Consider getting a tax deduction for your business mileage.

If you drive even a little for business, it’s easy to let mileage costs slide. After all, it’s a pain to keep track of your tax-deductible mileage in a little notebook and do all the calculations required. If you do rack up a lot of business miles, you probably forget to track some trips and end up losing money.

QuickBooks Online offers a much better way. Its Mileage tools include simple fill-in-the-blank records that allow you to document individual trips. You can either enter the starting point and destination and let the site calculate your mileage and deduction or enter the number of miles yourself.

If you use QuickBooks Online’s mobile app, it can track your miles automatically as you drive (as long as you have the correct settings turned on). Here’s a look at how all of this works.

Setting up 

To get started, click the Mileage link in QuickBooks Online’s toolbar. The screen that opens will eventually display a table that contains information about your trips, but you need to do a little setup first. Click the down arrow next to Add Trip in the upper right corner and select Manage vehicles. A panel will slide out from the right. Click Add vehicle.

You’ll need to supply information about your vehicles before you can start entering trips.

You’ll need to supply the vehicle’s year, make, and model. Do you own or lease it, and on what date was the vehicle purchased or leased and put into service? Do you want to have your annual mileage calculated by entering odometer readings or have QuickBooks Online track your business miles driven automatically? When you’re done making your selections and entering data, click Save.

Entering trip data

You can download trips as CSV files or import them from Mile IQ, but you’re probably more likely to enter them manually. Click Add Trip in the upper right corner. In the pane that opens, you’ll enter the date of the trip and either the total miles or start and end point. You’ll select the business purpose and vehicle and indicate whether it was a round trip. When you’re done, click Save. The trip will appear in the table on the opening screen, and your current possible total deduction will be in the upper left corner, along with your total business miles and total miles.

If you want to designate a trip as personal, click the box in front of the trip in that table. In the black horizontal box that appears, click the icon that looks like a little person, then click Apply. Now, the trip will appear in the Personal column and will not count toward your business tax-deductible mileage. 

When you select a trip in the Mileage table, you can mark it as personal so it’s not included in your business tax-deductible miles.

Personal trips can count, too

If you use your vehicle(s) for personal as well as business purposes, tracking some of those miles can also mean a tax deduction. For tax year 2022, you can deduct 18 cents per mile for your travel to and from medical appointments. Note: Medical mileage is only deductible if medical exceeds a certain percent of AGI. Be sure to check with the IRS yearly tax code, as they update the mileage amounts annually.

And if you do volunteer work for a qualified charitable organization, the miles you drive in service of it can be deducted at the rate of 14 cents per mile. You can also claim the cost of parking and tolls, as long as you weren’t reimbursed for any of these expenses. Obviously, the IRS wants you to keep careful records of your charitable mileage, and QuickBooks Online can provide them.

QuickBooks Online doesn’t track these deductions, but you’ll at least have a record of the miles driven.

Auto-track your miles

The easiest way to track your mileage in QuickBooks Online is by using its mobile app. You can launch this and have it record your mileage automatically as you’re driving. Versions are available for both Android and iOS, and they’re different from each other. They also have more features than the browser-based version of QuickBooks Online, like maps, rules, and easier designation of trips as business or personal.

The iOS version of Mileage in the QuickBooks Online app

In both versions, you’ll need to click the menu in the lower right corner after you’ve opened the QuickBooks Online app and select Mileage. Make sure Auto-Tracking is turned on. Your phone’s location services tool must be turned on, too. There are other settings that vary between the two operating systems. You can search the help system of either app to make sure you get your settings correct if the onscreen instructions aren’t clear enough.

Of course, you won’t see the fruits of your mileage deductions until you file your 2022 taxes. But you can factor these savings in as you’re doing your tax planning during the year. Please contact the Outsourced Accounting team if you’re having any trouble with QuickBooks Online’s Mileage tools, or if you have questions with other elements of the site.

How QuickBooks Online helps you track mileage

Read this if your agency is planning to procure a services vendor.

In our previous article, we looked at three primary areas we, or a potential vendor, consider when responding to a request for services. In this follow-up, we look at additional factors that influence the decision-making process on whether a potential vendor decides to respond to a request for services.

  • Relationship with this state/entity―Is this a state or client that we have worked with before? Do we understand their business and their needs?

    A continuing relationship allows us to understand the client’s culture and enables us to perform effectively and efficiently. By establishing a good relationship, we can assure the client that we can perform the services as outlined and at a fair cost.
  • Terms and conditions, performance bonds, or service level agreements―Are any of these items unacceptable? If there are concerns, can we request exceptions or negotiate with the state?

    When we review a request for services our legal and executive teams assess the risk of agreeing to the state’s terms and compare them against our existing contract language. States might consider requesting vendors provide exceptions to terms and conditions in their bid response to open the door for negotiations. Not allowing exceptions can result in vendors assuming that all terms are non-negotiable and may limit the amount of vendor bid responses received or increase the cost of the proposal.

    The inclusion of well-defined service level agreements (SLAs) in requests for proposals (RFPs) can be an effective way to manage resulting contracts. However, SLAs with undefined or punitive performance standards, compliance calculations, and remedies can also cause a vendor to consider whether to submit a bid response.

    RFPs for states that require performance bonds may result in significantly fewer proposals submitted, as the cost of a performance bond may make the total cost of the project too high to be successfully completed. If not required by law that vendors obtain performance bonds, states may want to explore other effective contractual protections that are more impactful than performance bonds, such as SLAs, warranties, and acceptance criteria.
  • Mandatory requirements―Are we able to meet the mandatory requirements? Does the cost of meeting these requirements keep us in a competitive range?

    Understanding the dichotomy between mandatory requirements and terms and conditions can be challenging, because in essence, mandatory requirements are non-negotiable terms and conditions. A state may consider organizing mandatory requirements into categories (e.g., system requirements, project requirements, state and federal regulations). This can help potential vendors determine whether all of the mandatory requirements are truly non-negotiable. Typically, vendors are prepared to meet all regulatory requirements, but not necessarily all project requirements.
  • Onsite/offsite requirements―Can we meet the onsite/offsite requirements? Do we already have nearby resources available? Are any location requirements negotiable?

    Onsite/offsite requirements have a direct impact on the project cost. Factors include accessibility of the onsite location, frequency of required onsite participation, and what positions/roles are required to be onsite or local. These requirements can make the resource pool much smaller when RFPs require staff to be located in the state office or require full-time onsite presence. And as a result, we may decide not to respond to the RFP.

    If the state specifies an onsite presence for general positions (e.g., project managers and business analysts), but is more flexible on onsite requirements for technical niche roles, the state may receive more responses to their request for services and/or more qualified consultants.
  • Due date of the proposal―Do we have the available proposal staff and subject matter experts to complete a quality proposal in the time given?

    We consider several factors when looking at the due date, including scope, the amount of work necessary to complete a quality response, and the proposal’s due date. A proposal with a very short due date that requires significant work presents a challenge and may result in less quality responses received.
  • Vendor available staffing―Do we have qualified staff available for this project? Do we need to work with subcontractors to get a complete team?

    We evaluate when the work is scheduled to begin to ensure we have the ability to provide qualified staff and obtain agreements with subcontractors. Overly strict qualifications that narrow the pool of qualified staff can affect whether we are able to respond. A state might consider whether key staff really needs a specific certification or skill or, instead, the proven ability to do the required work.

    For example, technical staff may not have worked on this particular type of project, but on a similar one with easily transferable skills. We have several long-term relationships with our subcontractors and find they can be an integral part of the services we propose. If carefully managed and vetted, we feel subcontractors can be an added value for the states.
  • Required certifications (e.g., Project Management Professional® (PMP®), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) certification)―Does our staff have the required certifications that are needed to complete this project?

    Many projects requests require specific certifications. On a small project, maybe other certifications can help ensure that we have the skills required for a successful project. Smaller vendors, particularly, might not have PMP®-certified staff and so may be prohibited from proposing on a project that they could perform with high quality.
  • Project timeline―Is the timeline to complete the project reasonable and is our staff available during the timeframe needed for each position for the length of the project?

    A realistic and reasonable timeline is critical for the success of a project. This is a factor we consider as we identify any clear or potential risks. A qualified vendor will not provide a proposal response to an unrealistic project timeline, without requesting either to negotiate the contract or requesting a change order later in the project. If the timeline is unrealistic, the state also runs the risk that the vendor will create many change requests, leading to a higher cost.

Other things we consider when responding to a request for services include: is there a reasonable published budget, what are the minority/women-owned business (M/WBE) requirements, and are these new services that we are interested in and do they fit within our company's overall business objectives?

Every vendor may have their own checklist and/or process that they go through before making a decision to propose on new services. We are aware that states and their agencies want a wide-variety of high-quality responses from which to choose. Understanding the key areas that a proposer evaluates may help states provide requirements that lead to more high-quality and better value proposals. If you would like to learn more about our process, or have specific questions, please contact the Medicaid Consulting team.

What vendors want: Other factors that influence vendors when considering responding to a request for services

Read this if your agency is planning to procure a services vendor. 

Every published request for services aims to acquire the highest-quality services for the best value. Requests may be as simple as an email to a qualified vendor list or as formal as a request for proposal (RFP) published on a state’s procurement website. However big or small the request, upon receiving it, we, or a potential vendor, triages it using the following primary criteria:

  1. Scope of services―Are these services or solutions we can provide? If we can’t provide the entire scope of services, do we have partners that can?
    As a potential responding vendor, we review the scope of services to see if it is clearly defined and provides enough detail to help us make a decision to pursue the proposal. Part of this review is to check if there are specific requests for products or solutions, and if the requests are for products or solutions that we provide or that we can easily procure to support the scope of work. 
  2. Qualifications―What are the requirements and can we meet them?
    We verify that we can supply proofs of concept to validate experience and qualification requirements. We check to see if the requirements and required services/solutions are clearly defined and we confirm that we have the proof of experience to show the client. Strict or inflexible requirements may mean a new vendor is unable to propose new and innovative services and may not be the right fit.
  3. Value―Is this a service request that we can add value to? Will it provide fair compensation?
    We look to see if we can perform the services or provide the solution at a rate that meets the client’s budget. Sometimes, depending upon the scope of services, we can provide services at a rate typically lower than our competitors. Or, conversely, though we can perform the scope of services, the software/hardware we would have to purchase might make our cost lower in value to the client than a well-positioned competitor.

An answer of “no” on any of the above questions typically means that we will pass on responding to the opportunity. 

The above questions are primary considerations. There are other factors when we consider an opportunity, such as where the work is located in comparison to our available resources and if there is an incumbent vendor with a solid and successful history. We will consider these and other factors in our next article. If you would like to learn more about our process, or have specific questions, please contact the Medicaid Consulting team.

What vendors want: Vendor decision process in answering requests for services

Read this if you are planning for, or are in the process of implementing a new software solution.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is more than just another step in the implementation of a software solution. It can verify system functionality, increase the opportunity for a successful project, and create additional training opportunities for your team to adapt to the new software quickly. Independent verification through a structured user acceptance plan is essential for a smooth transition from a development environment to a production environment. 

Verification of functionality

The primary purpose of UAT is to verify that a system is ready to go live. Much of UAT is like performing a pre-flight checklist on an aircraft. Wings... check, engines... check, tires... check. A structured approach to UAT can verify that everything is working prior to rolling out a new software system for everyone to use. 

To hold vendors accountable for their contractual obligations, we recommend an agency test each functional and technical requirement identified in the statement of work portion of their contract. 

It is also recommended that the agency verify the functional and technical requirements that the vendor replied positivity to in the RFP for the system you are implementing. 

Easing the transition to a new software

Operational change management (OCM) is a term that describes a methodology for making the switch to a new software solution. Think of implementing a new software solution like learning a new language. For some employees, the legacy software solution is the only way they know how to do their job. Like learning a new language, changing the way business and learning a new software can be a challenging and scary task. The benefits outweigh the anxiety associated with learning a new language. You can communicate with a broader group of people, and maybe even travel the world! This is also true for learning a new software solution; there are new and exciting ways to perform your job.

Throughout all organizations there will be some employees resistant to change. Getting those employees involved in UAT can help. By involving them in testing the new system and providing feedback prior to implementation, they will feel ownership and be less likely to resist the change. In our experience, some of the most resistant employees, once involved in the process, become the biggest champions of the new system.  

Training and testing for better results

On top of the OCM and verification benefits a structured UAT can accomplish, UAT can be a great training opportunity. An agency needs to be able to perform actions of the tested functionality. For example, if an agency is testing a software’s ability to import a document, then a tester needs to be trained on how to do that task. By performing this task, the tester learns how to login to the software, navigate the software, and perform tasks that the end user will be accomplishing in their daily use of the new software. 

Effective UAT and change management

We have observed agencies that have installed software that was either not fully configured or the final product was not what was expected when the project started. The only way to know that software works how you want is to test it using business-driven scenarios. BerryDunn has developed a UAT process, customizable to each client, which includes a UAT tracking tool. This process and related tool helps to ensure that we inspect each item and develop steps to resolve issues when the software doesn’t function as expected. 

We also incorporate change management into all aspects of a project and find that the UAT process is the optimal time to do so. Following established and proven approaches for change management during UAT is another opportunity to optimize implementation of a new software solution. 

By building a structured approach to UAT, you can enjoy additional benefits, as additional training and OCM benefits can make the difference between forming a positive or a negative reaction to the new software. By conducting a structured and thorough UAT, you can help your users gain confidence in the process, and increase adoption of the new software. 

Please contact the team if you have specific questions relating to your specific needs, or to see how we can help your agency validate the new system’s functionality and reduce resistance to the software. We’re here to help.   

User Acceptance Testing: A plan for successful software implementation