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National Steering Committee Named for Healthcare at Home 2021 Best Practices and Future Insights Study


BerryDunn’s has announced the formation of the Steering Committee for its Healthcare at Home 2021 Best Practices and Future Insights Study.

“We continue to make important progress toward ensuring that our national healthcare at home research project is a well-executed, pivotal study, and are excited to be working with a renowned group of industry experts," said Lindsay Doak, BerryDunn’s Study Co-Chair and Director. 

The Steering Committee will provide oversight and guidance over the national effort. The group’s responsibilities include reviewing the results of the input survey to determine key areas of focus, designing study questions, beta testing the final survey for reliability and validity, and helping analyze and compile study results for release to the industry.  

The Steering Committee members include:

Kenneth Albert, CEO
Androscoggin Home Health & Hospice 

Chris Attaya, VP Business Intelligence

David Baiada, President and CEO
BAYADA Home Health Care

Edo Banarch, President and CEO

Carla Braveman, Past President and CEO
Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State

Matt Challberg, President

Keith Crownover, Senior Advisor
Delta Health Technologies
Study Co-Chair

Jay Cushman, President

Catherine Dehlin, RVP of Operations and Sales
Three Oaks Hospice

Erin Denholm, Former CEO
Trinity Health at Home

Lindsay Doak, Senior Manager and Project Director
Study Co-Chair

William A. Dombi, Esq., President
National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC)

Dr. Robert Fazzi, Research Advisor
National State of the Industry Research

Cheryl Foster, Director of Home Health
North Kansas City Hospital

Dr. Leigh Graham, Senior Advisor
Ariadne Labs

Heather Helle, Chief Strategy Officer
BAYADA Home Health Care

Vicki Hoak, Executive Director
Home Care Association Of America (HCAOA)

Fred Johnson, President and CFO
Team Select Home Health

Brent Korte, Chief Home Care Officer

Kim Kranz, President
Catholic Health Services of Long Island Hospice

John Kunysz, CEO
Intrepid USA

Steve Lancman, CFO
Springboard Home Health and Hospice

Tammi Leonard, Executive Vice President of Hospice
Interim Healthcare

Michelle Mazzacco, CEO
Eddy VNA

Patricia O’Brien, Senior Vice President/Chief Clinical Officer
Holy Redeemer Home Care and Hospice

Dimitri Panacopoulos, Senior Manager and Study Analytics Director

Kathy Peirce, President, Executive Director and Chief Nursing Officer
VNA Care New England

Dr. Danielle M. Pierotti, Vice President, Patient Care Services
Visiting Nurse and Hospice for VT and NH

Susan Ponder–Stansel, CEO
Alivia Care

Evan C. Reinhardt, Executive Director
Indiana Association for Home and Hospice Care
Council of State Home Care and Hospice Associations

Nancy Roberts, Senior Consultant

Michelle Rogers, Director
HealthFirst Private Duty

Tim Rogers, Past President
Forum of State Associations/Council of Home Care and Hospice State Associations

Todd Rose, CEO
VNA Care

Sandy Rousse, President and CEO
Central VT Home Health and Hospice

Nick Seabrook, Managing Principal
BlackTree Healthcare Consulting

Jennifer Sheets, President and CEO
Interim Healthcare

William Simione III, Managing Principal
Simione Healthcare Consultants

Dr. Robyn Stone, Senior Vice President Research

Lynda Tanner, President and CEO
VNA Health

Stephen Tweed, CEO
Leading Home Care

Michael Vallee, President
Your Choice Healthcare Groups

Christi Walcutt, Senior Training Coach

Lloyd Wilson, CEO
Sonder Hospice and Palliative Care

Bryan Wysong, Senior Vice President
VITAS Healthcare

“We know that our challenge is great,” said Steering Committee Member Catherine Dehlin. “Hospice agencies are in the midst of a critical staffing shortage.  Add to this the growing regulations and effects of Medicare carve-in for managed care, there is a lot of uncertainty in the industry right now. I’m excited to be a part of a study that will help hospice providers by identifying clinical, financial, and operational best practices that will allow agencies to realize efficiencies while improving the quality of care for the nation’s most vulnerable population.”

Agencies who participate in the study will receive exclusive access to our interactive portal with detailed benchmarks and insights that can be segmented by size, outcomes, and more. Participation includes an estimated 2-hour commitment to complete multiple surveys over a period of three months. 

Study sponsors include National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC), National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), NAHC Forum of State Associations, LeadingAge, Home Care Association of America (HCAOA), and Council of State Home Care and Hospice Associations. The national research project is being conducted by BerryDunn with data and technology sponsors HealthPivots and Delta Health Technologies.

For further information on registering to participating visit: All study questions can be sent to

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BerryDunn is full-service accounting and consulting firm, working with clients coast to coast in the US and around the world. Our range of expertise provides services to a wide array of clients from town, local, and state governments to healthcare, not-for-profit, higher education, commercial, financial services, high tech, and more.

While our company has evolved over the years to stay on the forefront of the many industries we serve, our mission has remained constant: to help each client create, grow and protect value―while delivering exceptional service, based on integrity, expertise, and a constant commitment to your success. 

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  • Lindsay Doak
    Director of Healthcare Research and Education
    Home Health
    T 207.352.7514