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Identifying the good, the bad, and the ugly: Improving overall corporate performance

Client Description

A New England commercial client* who owns and runs multiple facilities.


With so many facilities to manage, our client needed a way to identify which areas and which facilities required more attention in order to improve overall corporate performance.

BerryDunn's Solution/Approach

BerryDunn experts worked with our client to:

  • Identify the most salient profitability measures for each type of facility
  • Create a customized financial reporting system that allowed our client to review each facility's performance within its category and within the company. The reporting tool automatically highlighted those facilities more than X% above or below an average for locations in that category--quickly showing the "good, the bad, and the ugly."


By immediately identifying the outliers--both good and bad--our client was able to take actions to improve poor performances and identify and promulgate the best practices from the superior facilities.  Our client could be more efficient with her time and focus her team's attention on those areas that had the most leverage for improving value.

*Identifying information was changed to conceal our client's identity.

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