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Independent reviews for the state of Vermont office of the CIO fulfill legal mandate for IT reviews

Client Description

Within the State of Vermont, the CIO/Commissioner has overall responsibility for management of the Department of Information and Innovation (DII).


All Information Technology (IT) activities over $500,000, or at the CIO’s discretion, require an independent review by the Office of the CIO before the project can begin.

BerryDunn’s Solution/Approach

BerryDunn has provided multiple Independent Reviews for the State of Vermont’s Office of the CIO. Our team has independently verified and validated the design, development, implementation, and federal certification activities for over 20 projects in several Vermont agencies. The reviews include our thorough assessment of the impending project’s acquisition cost, technology architecture, implementation plan and contractor, cost/benefit analysis, and risk management plan along with an impact analysis on the agency’s net operating costs.


These independent reviews serve as a means for the state to identify potential risks, gain an independent perspective of the proposed project plan and contract, evaluate the state’s readiness to proceed with the new system, and determine and confirm the previously established cost justification for the project prior to signing the contract with the implementation vendor. We have been able to use our expertise to offer innovative and effective approaches to these reviews over the years, providing the agencies with confirmation that their approach is sound and appropriate.

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  • Doug Rowe
    Justice and Public Safety
    T 207.541.2330