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NH CAH gains additional reimbursement and new methodology for future use

Client Description

A critical access hospital in rural New Hampshire


In earlier years, some of the hospital’s cost reports were improperly filed. BerryDunn was hired to evaluate which cost report years were eligible to be re-filed and evaluate the proper methodology/treatment of the rural health clinic data.

BerryDunn's Solution/Approach

BerryDunn identified those cost reports which were eligible for re-filing and, in gaining a thorough understanding of the hospital’s operating environment, offered recommendations in other areas, including maintaining tax-exempt bond compliance and navigating the refinancing process.


  • A substantial amount of reimbursement dollars were recaptured through the corrected cost report filings
  • The hospital’s new controller benefited from working directly with us, serving as a great training opportunity and allowing her to develop useful expertise for the future
  • A strong side benefit of involving the client and getting to know the hospital’s operations the client gained needed assistance in navigating its refinancing and developing a process for bond compliance and filings

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