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Nursing home resolves revenue cycle issues


A hospital-based nursing home facility was facing a significant increase in their accounts receivable balance while transitioning to new accounting software and Revenue Cycle Department staff.


BerryDunn analyzed the facility’s accounts, policies, procedures, and department structure, to identify underlying causes. Armed with this knowledge, our advisors then:

  • Applied proven business process improvement methods to fix communication gaps between their teams
  • Implemented new tools and processes to help team members better manage and relay important clinical and billing information
  • Leveraged their Senior Living Facility operations expertise to revise select job descriptions and train staff to better support the facility’s business needs.
  • Helped them revise old policies to address current systems, processes, regulations and staff structure.
  • Worked with facility leaders to adopt tighter Revenue Cycle department oversight and reporting methods.


The facility resolved their revenue cycle issues and recovered outstanding balances that totaled 10 times the BerryDunn project cost. Management is using a new revenue cycle calendar and reporting system to audit policy compliance and spot revenue cycle exceptions. The facility has better documentation of care, more accurate billing and a more confident, qualified team.

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