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Organizational assessment and redesign for a university


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte was experiencing challenges regarding management of IT personnel and services. The university relied on 150 IT staff distributed across 38 units in various departments to provide support.

Communication, service delivery, and security had proven difficult to manage due to inconsistent oversight. The university did not have clear management of the distributed personnel and was unable to meet the growing demand for IT services.


BerryDunn’s higher education consulting team guided a two-phase assessment of IT personnel and services to understand the composition and function of the 38 units across campus.

The first phase included conceptual recommendations on how to improve the design and structure of IT at the university. Phase two of the assessment included the implementation of a comprehensive IT organizational structure that covered all IT staff at the University. BerryDunn met with all distributed IT personnel to gather feedback on the development of the new organizational structure and establish IT governance.


Titled “One IT”, the new organizational design allowed all distributed IT personnel to be managed effectively through a unified structure. The new structure provides better visibility into IT, opportunities for professional development, communication, and collaboration across departments. The new structure has helped sustain their growth and improve their ability to adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • Josh Eby
    Colleges and Universities, Healthcare
    T 207.347.6476