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tHHS solution suite helps State of Vermont collaborate and stay aligned with CMS

The State of Vermont partnered with BerryDunn’s Medicaid team to pilot an innovative technology tool called TransformHHS (tHHS). After working with the solution suite for the past year, the state has found many benefits that help them in managing their Medicaid projects and investments. THHS has also helped support them in sourcing documentation for their strategic planning and procurement related efforts as well as in their conversations with CMS and other states.

The challenge

State Medicaid Agencies like Vermont’s are complex organizations that have many state and federal requirements, must monitor performance for projects and supporting vendors, and report on outcomes to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). With such complexity and many stakeholders, it is a constant challenge to have transparency about plans, projects, and outcomes with interested parties at the state and federal levels. From Advanced Planning Documents (APDs) to contracts and RFPs with vendors, to required outcomes reporting, there is a large amount of information that needs to be accessed and shared daily. With documents stored in separate locations, it was a challenge to find the latest information quickly, and it was difficult to share information in a streamlined way.

The solution

Partnering with BerryDunn’s experienced Medicaid consulting team, the state leveraged the tools and insights within tHHS, a web-based portfolio management solution suite that enhances information sharing for health and human services agencies and their federal partners during the strategic planning, procurement, implementation, and maintenance and operations phases.

The outcome

tHHS allowed the state to check the status of documents and portfolio performance in one place, at a moment’s notice. Through tHHS, the state was able to share documents directly with the SO, CMS, and other states, including:

  • APDs
  • Projects
  • Outcomes
  • SMA roadmap
  • CMS reports

In addition:

  • The SO used the State Health Dashboard (SHD) within tHHS to collaborate with their SMA key contacts
  • Agency leadership, federal partners, and other external stakeholders were empowered with real-time views into the health of the agency, their investments, and the state’s plans.
  • The state had access to integrated planning, management, and reporting processes that are the core of the portfolio, program, and project management functions of the SMA.

For more information about BerryDunn’s tHHS Investment management tool, visit

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