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Gain supportFulfilling your mission

BerryDunn can help state insurance regulators meet the challenges of a dynamic marketplace with two broad sets of services. We bring our extensive experience, with a wide range of government agencies, to support you in modernizing technology, managing risk, improving internal processes, and assuring process integrity. And BerryDunn, through its Health Analytics practice, offers comprehensive expertise in health insurance economic, policy, and actuarial analysis, including analyzing claims and other critical data.

Building capacity to carry out your mission

Driven by policy initiatives and the dynamic insurance marketplace, regulators face growing demands to protect consumers efficiently while managing risk and complying with myriad statutory and regulatory requirements. Our teams collaborate with your stakeholders to identify risks associated with current processes and technology and to pursue opportunities for improvement. 

Our unbiased viewpoint and tailored, responsive strategies help you address necessary change through:

  • Strategic planning
  • Operational and planning process improvement
  • Help with all phases of the technology development lifecycle, from planning to procurement to project management
  • Formal independent verification and validation (IV&V) of technology implementations
  • Assessing the health of current projects and the risks they face
  • Organizational change management
  • Operational/programmatic audits

Helping you protect and improve the health insurance marketplace

Few sectors of the American economy are more dynamic than the healthcare marketplace, and regulating insurance in that environment brings a host of analytical challenges. Our understanding of health insurance and health insurance regulation is borne of deep experience with governmental, public, and private entities, where we’ve provided insight, analysis, and recommendations to address the impacts of policy and regulatory initiatives. 

We can assist you with:

  • Payer and provider system antitrust investigations
  • Health insurer rate review, and assessment of rate review processes
  • Insurance market reporting and analysis and other studies in support of your mission, including complex analysis of health insurer claims
  • Meeting analytical requirements arising from milestone policy initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act
  • Planning and design of all-payer claim databases, including developing anonymized datasets for public use
  • Internet content targeted at consumers and employers supporting transparency in the healthcare insurance market

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