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BerryDunn Ranked a
50 Construction Accounting Firm


BerryDunn has been recognized as one of The Top 50 Construction Accounting Firms™ in the US by Construction Executive magazine. Now in its 17th year, Construction Executive (CE) is the leading trade publication on the business of construction. Top 50 honors are based on several key measures, including firm revenues and depth of expertise. BerryDunn ranked 38th, reflecting its construction accounting team’s knowledge and accreditation in the construction industry, as well as the size and diversity of its client base.

The comprehensive Top 50 ranking includes an “Executive Insights” analysis and article featuring BerryDunn Principal Linda Roberts. She addresses pressing business concerns in the construction industry, including how firms can keep a strong, year-round pulse on their operations and results.

“The construction industry has accounting needs like none other. We dive deeper than the numbers into business practices and help our clients gain control and respond quickly to changing conditions,” said Roberts. “Being recognized as a top construction accounting firm is an honor, and it comes from decades of experience working with incredible national and global construction clients.” 

BerryDunn is one of just two New England firms to make the Top 50 list. CE surveyed hundreds of US accounting firms with a construction practice, and data collected includes: 1) 2018 revenues; 2) number of construction practice CPAs; 3) percentage of firm’s total construction practice revenues; 4) number of construction clients in 2018; 5) number of construction practice office locations; 6) number of employees with CCIFP certification; and 7) year the construction practice was established. Individual rankings were determined via an algorithm weighted by order of importance.

Home to a team of 21 construction CPAs, BerryDunn has provided construction-specific accounting for close to 40 years. Linda Roberts, Principal, leads the firm’s construction practice. A recognized speaker and thought leader on audit, review, accounting, and consulting services, Roberts shares knowledge gained through decades of experience serving construction clients—and as President of CFMA Maine, a board member of CFMA New Hampshire, a member of ICCIFP’s Eligibility & Application Committee, and a member of CICPAC’s Emerging Issues Committee.

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  • Michel Caouette
    Construction, Family Office, Telecom-munications
    T 207.541.2254
  • Linda Roberts
    Construction, Manufacturing, Real Estate
    T 207.541.2281

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