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Choosing a
CAD/RMS system


A multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional public safety client was using a legacy computer aided dispatch and records management system (CAD/RMS) that was nearing the end of its support lifecycle.

Given the existing challenges with the system—lack of integration between system modules requiring duplicate data entry—the client needed assistance understanding the challenges and opportunities in the current environment, and independent guidance through the process of selecting a modernized CAD/RMS solution.


With a structured methodology, BerryDunn’s team worked closely with key stakeholders from police, fire, sheriff, corrections, dispatch, and IT to:

  • Document and assess the current environment, including business processes and system needs
  • Identify key considerations, challenges, and recommendations for navigating the transition from legacy systems and processes to a new solution with improved workflows
  • Define a comprehensive set of functional and technical system requirements
  • Develop an RFP for the procurement of the system
  • Provide oversight for the procurement process


With the new CAD/RMS, the client has been able to:

  • Enhance public safety
  • Provide a user-friendly system
  • Minimize duplication and errors in day-to-day operations
  • Support effective tactical deployment
  • Seamlessly exchange data between multiple agencies and systems

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  • Doug Rowe
    Justice and Public Safety
    T 207.541.2330

BerryDunn experts and consultants