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State agency upgrades Oracle ERP system and Financials and Supply Chain Management (FSCM) Module


The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) was looking to upgrade the components of its Oracle software (PeopleSoft) and leverage functionality offered by the latest version. This upgrade was necessary for MMB to maintain vendor support and establish a platform for managing and improving future system functionality and business processes. State of Minnesota statute requires state agencies to ensure an external independent entity performs an annual audit for any IT projects with total expected project costs in excess of $10 million. The Oracle upgrade project exceeded this threshold, and therefore required an audit.


BerryDunn's government consulting team conducted an independent audit of the project and provided MMB with actionable recommendations to avoid risks and improve project processes. Our state government consulting team:

  • Conducted fact-finding activities that involved project document review and stakeholder surveys and interviews
  • Identified project risks and issues
  • Provided recommendations to MMB based on industry standards, best practices, and past successes with similar state agency projects


MMB used BerryDunn’s findings and recommendations to inform leadership and oversight entities of project performance and improve project processes and outcomes.

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